Report Tickler

phase one
phase two


Using Outlook to Scaffold Financial and Regulatory Complinace and to Model a Grant Report Tickler System for Not-For-Profits

Not-for-Profits often operate on a shoe-string budget for administrative and infrastructure costs and staff. At the same time they are held increasingly accountable by sponsors who require high-cost OMB Audits and other reviews. With the fall-out from Enron and abuse in both the profit and not-for-profit worlds, this stringency is likely only going to increase.

As a new compliance specialist with backgrounds in both information technology and instructional design, I tried implementing/modeling a compliance strategy and job-aid for myself and others for submitting reports in timely fashion for the not-for-profit agency I work for. Because of budget constraints, I experimented with various tools at hand – Microsoft Access, Excel, and Outlook Calendar and Mail and at this writing, SharePoint Services.

First Phase – Modeling the Grant Reporting Tickler System in Outlook.

Reflections and Looking Forward

Second Phase - Moving the Tickler System to SharePoint Services.

Reflections on Developing in SharePoint Services (word doc with vid caps - 4M)

Report System Training

In case you arrived here through the back door ...